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Tara A. Fahmie- Functional Strategies for Preventing the Development of Severe Problem Behavior
1.0 Type II CE Credits
About the presentation:
Research on the functional analysis of severe behavior (aggression, self-injury, property destruction) has yielded a great deal of information about the conditions that give rise to and maintain such behavior in individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These collective findings have produced a powerful technology for behavior change; however, the prevailing focus of behavior analytic services remains on the treatment of existing severe behavior. In this presentation, I will propose several strategies to prevent the initial onset of severe problem behavior. Strategies will be based on a review of emerging areas of research in both the functional analysis of severe behavior and prevention.
Upon completion of this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Distinguish between preventing the occurrence and preventing the development of problem behavior
- Describe several strategies for preventing the development of problem behavior
- Describe the relevance of function-based interventions to the prevention of severe behavior