Terry McSween, PhD
About Terry McSween
Dr. Terry E. McSween is President and CEO of Quality Safety Edge, an organization that helps improve business success and profitability through behavioral safety and safety leadership. Dr. McSween has received numerous awards for his work in safety improvement. He received the 2009 Life Time Achievement and 2001 Significant Contribution awards from the Organizational Behavior Network. The American Society of Safety Engineers awarded him the Johnson & Higgins Scrivener Award for the outstanding technical article on safety. His book, The Values-Based Safety Process, second edition, was published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons of New York, NY and remains the best book on implementing behavior based safety in organizations. He also started and maintained the Behavioral Safety Now conference for over 25 years and represents the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies in working to integrate BSN into the Safety In Action conference.