Amber Valentino – On being a banded mongoose: Elevating supervisory practices for the next generation of behavior analysts



The way in which supervision is delivered and experienced in our profession can influence the quality of services behavior analysts provide, funding, and the impression of our sciences to the general public.  This influence is particularly evident for the supervisory experience that occurs prior to an individual becoming professionally certified, though it is relevant for any supervisory relationship. The supervision experience should be considered one that is far-reaching—above and beyond simply meeting a necessary requirement. Behavior analysts should honor the gravity of the role of a supervisor and take direct responsibility for ensuring supervision is of the highest quality. In the past 7-8 years, we have made great strides in defining and further conceptualizing the role of a supervisor. However, especially when compared to other professions, our literature base on supervision is still quite new and our ideas still evolving.  In this presentation, I will review pertinent literature on behavior analytic supervision and its implications. Then, I will provide recommended supervision practices to help elevate your supervision to the next level.

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